Aims of the programme of education
Students have one opportunity to learn in school and Somercotes Academy aims to ensure that the curriculum we deliver provides students with a broad, rich and deep education. We aim to broaden students' minds which enriches both our Academy community and the wider community and raises expectations and aspirations for students and their parents and carers.
Students see their education as a journey which began when they started school in Reception and will continue with them throughout their lives.
A good curriculum is one which addresses the physical, mental, spiritual, cultural and intellectual health of the student. This is achieved through providing a varied curriculum with a strong focus on literacy and numeracy, as they are the foundations to enable students to succeed. These core areas are key to raising aspirations and preparing students for active local, national and global citizenship.
By the end of each key stage, knowledge and understanding should be developed with a focus on the needs and aspirations of each student both whilst in education and when they enter the world of employment. Students should be encouraged to make meaningful contributions and to ask questions in order to stretch their own education.
Character building
The Academy has a strong five-year pastoral and Citizenship curriculum programme. This is a dynamic programme, which is constantly adapted to meet the local needs. This programme underpins the academic progress of students at both Key Stages. This includes the explicit delivery of British Values, SMSC, CIAG, and RSE through all cuticulum areas, designated Careers and Personal Development lessons and thematic drop-down days throughout the year. A comprehensive mapping document shows this content is reinforced through all curriculum areas.
Somercotes Academy students have access to a wide range of enrichment activities in music, sports and subject-related clubs. Through these activities, students gain a range of opportunities including performing to real audiences, representing the Academy and participating in community events. These activities support students in recognising and developing their skills and in raising their aspirations. Students are encouraged to identify opportunities in school and in the community (for example, in cadets, Guides or their employment) where they use these skills.
Somercotes Academy has identified three key "Somercotes Skills" which we believe are crucial to developing our students as rounded individuals. These are leadership, resilience and teamwork. These areas are highlighted within the curriculum and in extra-curricular activities and students are encouraged to collate evidence of their progress in these areas.
Secure foundations for progression
Somercotes Academy aims to provide students with the fundamental skills they require to enable them to progress into future education, apprenticeships and careers. Beginning in Year 7, students start working towards meeting the Gatsby benchmarks. Students will look at career aspirations and work on their Start Profiles to help provide a student focused careers program. In each subject, students will have explicit lessons about how their subjects enable them to move onto further study and careers both locally and nationally and at the same time raising aspirations. Students are given a range of opportunities to meet educational providers, employers and independent careers advise to help support and guide their aspirations.
High expectations for behaviour and achievement
The Academy promotes positive behaviour in relation to students' personal, social and moral development. We prepare students for the demands of educational establishments, employers and society in how they expect them to present themselves and behave.
We regard it to be a highly important aspect of students' education and development that they learn to behave well towards others and towards the community in which they live. Good behaviour underpins effective learning, and students' need good personal and social skills in order to live fulfilling and rewarding lives as adults.
Behaviour which, in any way, disrupts learning, is unacceptable in our Academy, and, through the constant promotion of positive behaviour, we seek to minimise, if not eliminate any such behaviour. However, we endeavour to meet the needs of all students, including those with social, emotional and mental health difficulties. The Academy works with the Lincolnshire Pupil Reintegration Team in order to support students who exhibit more challenging behaviours. All staff have undertaken training in supporting students with SEN needs and in understanding childhood trauma in order to ensure a consistent approach.
In Years 7 and 8 we offer a rich broad curriculum with students studying a range of subjects which it ignites passion for learning.
Careful choice of topics, planning and sequencing enables students to become well-rounded members of the local community with the skills to access further study. This reduces the risk of a slow start to KS3 by building on and deepening the skills and knowledge learnt at KS2 to avoid a dip in progress.
Sequencing of lessons across the whole curriculum means that skills are embedded across different curriculum areas. With those lessons that appear to have less contact time key themes and skills are co-taught across number of subjects for example Art, Textiles and Technology to ensure a breadth and depth of curriculum.
Three Year Key Stage 4 provision
In Years 9, 10 and 11 we offer high quality courses which meet the needs and raise the aspirations of all our students. The three-year GCSE course structure ensures that all students can experience in depth their chosen subjects. The three-year GCSE courses allow students to develop an interest and passion in their chosen subjects which will give them the skills to develop and grow as citizens and to achieve their potential.
As an Academy, planning is sequenced in order that the cross curricula nature of subjects ensures that the broad, deep educational journey continues even when students start their GCSES.
At Somercotes Academy, we encourage all students, regardless of ability to study a wide range of courses beyond the core subjects and the EBACC. From September 2019, all students are required to study a practical subject such as Technology, Art, Music or Performing Arts to ensure that their curriculum is broad and enables students to be a fully rounded member of society.
The Academy provides a variety of stretch and challenge opportunities both inside and outside the classroom. In addition, there are enrichment opportunities for students to take part in. These include clubs, music lessons and teams to widen student's horizons. Inter house competitions are a key offer as part of our broad curriculum offer which extends out of the classroom and develops teamwork and community identity.
Students are offered the opportunity to study a wide range of subject areas regardless of their ability level and take part in the wider school community. This allows them to enter courses at post- 16 which meet their needs, interests and ambitions and prepare them to be active citizens.
Example Curriculum
The Academy has six periods a day with each period lasting 50 minutes.
The Academy models the curriculum to the needs of individual students. This means the Academy will adjust the curriculum plan for different groups of students in order to meet their needs.
Key Stage 3 | ||
Year 7 | Year 8 | |
English | 4 | 4 |
Maths | 4 | 4 |
Science | 2 | 2 |
Geography | 3 | 2 |
History | 2 | 3 |
R.E. | 1 | 1 |
Music | 1 | 1 |
Art | 1 | 1 |
Technology | 1 | 1 |
Textiles | 1 | 1 |
Careers and Personal Development | 1 | 1 |
P.E. | 4 | 4 |
ICT | 1 | 1 |
Languages | 4 | 4 |
Key Stage 4 | |||
Year 9 | Year 10 | Year 11 | |
English | 5 | 5 | 5 |
Maths | 4 | 4 | 4 |
Science | 6 | 6 | 6 |
Careers and Personal Development | 1 | 1 | 1 |
PE | 2 | 2 | 2 |
Options Students choose 4 Subjects 3 Periods Week | Art French Geography History ICT Leisure and Tourism Music Performing Arts Physical Education Religious Education Technology Textiles Triple Science |
The Academy endeavours to meet students' option choices. However, if not enough students chose a course it will be unable to run in that academic year.
Students are banded when they first join the Academy based on their Key Stage 2 Scores and CAT tests. They then sit three Progress Point tests each year until the end of Year 11. Using this quantitative data and teachers' qualitative information about the student including student effort, teachers will set realistic but aspirational targets. Students in Years 7 and 8 are reviewed regularly to ensure that they are in the correct band to ensure the correct level of support is given and that students are given the ability to be stretched academically. Students are also assessed on entry for their Reading and Spelling Ages, this information is used to target appropriate intervention and highlight potential learning needs and is shared with teachers to support their planning of lesson content and resources.
Curriculum Evaluation
How do we know we offer a broad, rich and deep educational experience?
The curriculum is organised to provide students with the skills and knowledge to achieve success in life. Our curriculum aims to:
We provide a broad KS3 Curriculum which meets all national Curriculum requirements. This is taught in 25 hours of contact time over 30 periods each week and includes the following:
For students who have low reading ages, additional timetabled reading tutorials are provided.
Increased physical activity is encouraged and is hugely beneficial in improving health and wellbeing and improving mental alertness, we have doubled our provision from one double period (1h 40 mins) to 2 double periods (3h 20 mins) per week.
Our KS4 Curriculum and option choices has been created to enable students to develop their passions and interests and ensure they gain qualifications to progress into further education and employment.
Our curriculum offers flexibility and choice within a guided structure. Within the framework, all students will take between 8 and 10 GCSEs according to their ability. Students can study the full EbaCC, we offer students the opportunity to study triple science.
All students must study a core curriculum: English, English Literature, Maths, Science, Careers and Personal Development, R.E. and P.E.
Students must then choose a further EbaCC subject and 3 free option choices which may be EbaCC subjects.
Option choices: Art, Design Technology, French, Geography, History, Imedia, Life Skills, Music, Performing Arts, Physical Education and R.E.
The type of qualification may vary depending on the ability of the students.
In addition to our timetabled provision, we offer a wide range of extracurricular activities and additional support outside the classroom for subject specific enhancement.
Pastoral system provides further extension activities across the academy through inter-house competitions encouraging high participation.