Proud to be a member of the
Lincolnshire Gateway Academies Trust
Proud to be a member of the
Lincolnshire Gateway Academies Trust

Careers & Personal Development

Careers & Personal Development at Somercotes Academy is not just a single subject. The Curriculum Area covers PSHE (personal, social, health and economic), Careers and many aspects of Work-Related Learning in addition to Careers & Personal Development under this single title. All students in all Years have one lesson a week.

Careers & Personal Development gives students the skills and attitudes to lead successful lives at The Academy and beyond.

Somercotes Academy is proud to be a member of the Greater Lincolnshire Careers Hub, established to help every young person find their best next step and delivered locally by the team at the Greater Lincolnshire LEP. The Greater Lincolnshire Careers Hub is funded by the Greater Lincolnshire LEP, the Careers and Enterprise Company, Lincolnshire County Council, North East Lincolnshire Council, North Lincolnshire Council, and the Humber Outreach Programme

Greater Lincolnshire Local Enterprise Partnership | Greater Lincolnshire Careers Hub | The Careers & Enterprise Company

Ethos & Values

In this Curriculum Area, we aim to help students:

  • Develop their confidence and responsibility and make the most of their abilities.
  • Develop a healthy, safer lifestyle.
  • Gain the skills necessary to lead a life with Financial and Economic awareness.
  • Enjoy lessons gaining skills necessary for a productive future.
  • Take part in activities that allow them to make a contribution to the local and wider communities.
  • Develop good relationships and respect the differences between people.
  • Know and understand about becoming informed citizens.
  • Develop skills of enquiry and communication.
  • Develop skills of participation and responsible action.
  • Continually develop the skills and practice of all staff.
  • Adopt a philosophy of continuous improvement in every aspect of the delivery of all subjects within the curriculum area.

Knowledge & Skills

Within Careers & Personal Development students will have the opportunity to study Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education; Careers and Vocational Education. It is a compulsory subject in Key Stages 3 and 4 with opportunities embedded through all other subject areas across the school to assist in meeting the Gatsby Benchmarks What Good Looks Like - Gatsby Benchmarks and CDI framework New Career Development Framework (

Resources & Facilities

The curriculum has a centralised bank of multimedia resources as well as general teaching resources to allow lessons to be fully interactive for the student.

The curriculum area also has a number of teambuilding resources such as; sexual health resources and drug awareness teaching aids.

Courses and qualifications

Curriculum Map 2024–25

YEAR 7 Themes Lessons
Diversity and anti-racism What is diversity?
Life skills Recognising and preventing bullying
Online safety Media literacy: staying safe online
Physical health Smoking and vaping: risks and consequences
Physical health Female genital mutilation (FGM): facts and risks
Physical health Healthy lifestyles: maintaining a balanced diet
Relationships, family and friends What makes a healthy relationship?
Relationships, family and friends Coping with change: bereavement, divorce and separation
Sexuality, gender and sexual health Understanding menstruation
Sexuality, gender and sexual health Growing up: physical and mental changes
Wellbeing and mental health What is mental health?
Wellbeing and mental health Lesson
YEAR 8 Themes Lessons
Diversity and anti-racism Challenging gender stereotypes
Life skills Gambling: the facts
Life skills Developing your leadership skills
Life skills Managing risk: looking after your personal safety
Online safety Media literacy: interpreting information online
Physical health Addictive substances: alcohol
Physical health Healthy lifestyles: exercising for physical and mental wellbeing
Physical health Healthy lifestyles: taking responsibility for your physical health
Relationships, family and friends Understanding marriage
Relationships, family and friends Overcoming conflict and finding forgiveness
Relationships, family and friends Spotting unhealthy and abusive relationships
Sexuality, gender and sexual health Sexuality and gender identity: an introduction
Sexuality, gender and sexual health Consent: what is it and why is it essential?
YEAR 9 Themes Lessons
Diversity and anti-racism Recognising and preventing discrimination
Life skills Financial choices: budgeting, saving, debt
Life skills Social influences: young people and gangs
Online safety Sex and consent online
Physical health Addictive substances: legal and illegal drugs
Physical health Healthy lifestyles: achieving balance
Physical health Healthy lifestyles: health services, self examination and vaccination
Relationships, family and friends Family life: parenthood and caring
Relationships, family and friends Social influences: tackling peer pressure
Relationships, family and friends Relationships and conflict
Relationships, family and friends What is good communication?
Sexuality, gender and sexual health Sex, relationships, and the media
Sexuality, gender and sexual health Practising safe sex
YEAR 10 Themes Lessons
Diversity and anti-racism Challenging prejudice and discrimination
Life skills Managing risk: unsafe and emergency situations
Life skills Planning and organising: revising effectively
Online safety Staying safe online: protecting your personal data
Physical health Alcohol: risks, consequences, and safety
Physical health What is a healthy lifestyle?
Physical health Health-related choices: blood, organ and stem cell donation
Physical health Health-related choices: aesthetic procedures
Relationships, family and friends Navigating social influence and pressure
Relationships, family and friends Changing relationships: managing your feelings
Relationships, family and friends The impact of relationships
Sexuality, gender and sexual health Sexuality and gender identity: coming out
Sexuality, gender and sexual health Understanding pregnancy: your choices
Sexuality, gender and sexual health Sexual health: choosing and accessing contraception
YEAR 11 Themes Lessons
Diversity and anti-racism Know your rights: the Equality Act 2010
Life skills Gambling: risks, consequences, and safety
Life skills Financial choices: managing finances in the world of work
Online safety Staying safe online: misinformation and extremism
Physical health Illegal drugs: risks, consequences, and support
Physical health Substance addiction: how to seek help
Physical health Managing our health: services and support
Relationships, family and friends Navigating conflict in relationships
Relationships, family and friends Rights and responsibilities: marriage and civil partnerships
Relationships, family and friends Taking others' perspectives
Sexuality, gender and sexual health Understanding pornography
Sexuality, gender and sexual health Understanding consent and intimacy: offline and online
Sexuality, gender and sexual health Sexual health: preventing and treating STIs

SMSC Mapping

Students at Somercotes Academy study a Careers & Personal Development curriculum that includes key elements of PHSE to teach learners to be an active Modern Citizen for their communities and wider life.

Key Stage 3

Year 7

Focus is given to transition from primary school, ways we can keep safe, British puberty & safeguarding, Careers, British Values and other topics.

Year 8

Students further develop their understanding of puberty and relationships and multiculturalism whilst also exploring the law and democracy of the UK, careers and options alongside topics.

Year 9

Continuing learners' awareness of healthy relationships and RSE, Body Confidence and Self Esteem, Careers, Drug awareness and further knowledge on their rights as a citizen.

Sex Education / Using the NSPCC Talk Relationships programme

Year 9

As part of our Year 9 Personal and Social Education program we deliver a series of sessions on Relationships and Sex Education. These lessons follow government guidelines and the topics included in this programme are: -

  • Appropriate behaviour in personal situations
  • Relationships and sexual relationships
  • Consent
  • Sexual intercourse
  • The risks involved in having sexual intercourse
  • Pregnancy
  • Contraception
  • HIV/AIDS and other Sexually Transmitted Diseases
  • Safer Sex
  • Sexting

All students in Year 9 participate in these classes unless a written request from a parent/guardian asking for their child is to be withdrawn from the lessons. Letters will be sent out to parents to let them know when this will be taught.

Year 11

As part of our Year 11 Personal and Social Education program we deliver a series of sessions on Relationships and Sex Education. These lessons follow government guidelines and the topics included in this programme are: -

  • Consent
  • Pornography
  • Contraception
  • STI's
  • Pregnancy
  • Abuse, FGM
  • LGBTQ+

These topics above for both year groups will be dealt with in terms of choices, options and responsibilities. The lessons will be delivered in a sensitive manner in the context of the family, and a loving caring relationship.

Key Stage 4

Year 10 & 11

As well as continuing and developing the areas introduced in KS3 focus on elements from the four interrelated strands of personal development, health and safety, relationships and becoming an active citizen. Timing and content are appropriate for the student's needs and priorities in each year. Sex and Relationship Education, Drugs Education (smoking and alcohol), Healthy Lifestyle and Inter Personal Skills are central to this Key Stage. In addition, students study cultures and religious groups as well as wider moral and ethical concerns.

The Unifrog Roadmap

College applications year 11

Year 11 students are guided through the procedure for applications Post 16 and are given information on all options at all institutions to allow them to make informed choices about their future. Student are encouraged to visit all open days and careers events available to them and to use the post 16 application website Lincs2 Home ( that has been designed for use within the local area. We strive to give all students at least one, one to one interview to aid them in these important decisions and a private interview room is available to accommodate this. In addition, students in year 11 study mental health and stress.

Unifrog On line Careers Platform

In keeping with our commitment to provide students with outstanding careers guidance and tailored support when choosing their next steps after school / college, we will now be using Unifrog; an award-winning, online destinations platform. All students in Years 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 now have access to this website.

Unifrog is the universal destinations platform and is designed to support learners in making the most informed decisions about their futures and has a range of tools that are suitable for all year groups. Each student has their own account where they can explore all the career and next step options available to them and find information on everything from managing their workload to writing a winning CV. Students have access to a wide variety of video and written content, and interactive quizzes and tests, including:

Section of the platform Examples of what students can do Suitable age range

  • Quizzes - Finding their interests, personality type, preferred work environment, and skillset. Years 7-13
  • Exploring pathways - Explore careers, career sectors, subjects, sign up to free webinars, explore MOOCs and courses, and find wider reading materials. Years 7-13
  • Recording what you've done - Record their in-class and extracurricular activities, record examples of their skills, and see the record of CEIAG events the school has added to their accounts. Years 7-13
  • Searching for opportunities - Find scholarships, activities, and bursaries to support their HE journey. Find and compare degrees in the UK and overseas, live apprenticeships, and FE courses. Years 10-13
  • Application materials / Making applications - Write their CV, cover letter, Personal Statement, and more. Track their applications and record their Post 16 / 18 intentions. Years 11-13

We would encourage you to use the platform with your child so you can support them through the process of deciding their next step. Parents can also have your own Unifrog account. You'll be able to research careers, attend webinars delivered by employers and universities to learn more about their opportunities, and compare pathways so you can support your child in making an informed decision about their next steps.

Learning Outside the Classroom

In addition to the taught programmes the Curriculum Area offers a variety of activities and opportunities for the students. Below is a link to the Gatsby Benchmarks and how we will achieve them through additional activities for the pupils.

Learner will also have the opportunity to experience taster days and Career Fairs - working closely with Grimsby Institute, Franklin College, Riseholme, Bishop Grosseteste among others. These days give our students the opportunity to have a look around the colleges and Universities and being exposed to life beyond secondary education and look at courses they may be interested in for post-16 options. We also work hard to promote careers fairs available locally and to arrange for employers to visit the Academy for our learners to have experiences of the work place.

We work closely with many training providers as well as those offering apprenticeship routes, with support from our local Enterprise Advisors to support the virtual or real-life experiences. We work with:

  • ASK apprenticeships
  • Speakers for Schools
  • HETA
  • Army
  • RAF
  • Tong Engineering
  • Plus, many more….

Please see below our calendar of events which will be updated throughout the year for activities linked to careers for the learners

What can students do to develop their skills in this subject area?

  • Take part in additional projects to extend knowledge of the topics covered in lessons - (For suggested activities please see Careers & Personal Development teacher).
  • Entering into competitions, e.g., 'Step into the NHS' competition for Year 9 students.
  • Reading widely to develop appreciation of social and current affairs - broadsheet newspapers and online newspapers.
  • Watching or listening to the news for local, national and global issues to discuss in lessons.
  • Watching current affairs television programmes which reinforce the Careers & Personal Development curriculum - for instance The Big Questions.


Gary Forbisher - Talent Acquisition Manager LHP (Lincolnshire Housing Partnership)

We are happy to have Lincolnshire Housing Partnership and Gary Frobisher onboard an Employment Advisor to help support our pupils and careers programme at Somercotes Academy.


"I have worked in Learning & Development for 18 years and have a great track record in training and developing people. I'm passionate about providing opportunities for all Lincolnshire communities to find a career that they are proud of. My organisation, Lincolnshire Housing Partnership (LHP) is a social landlord and has a vision to provide great homes and strong communities". (Gary Forbisher)

Employers -

We are always looking for businesses and industries to work with. If you feel you could offer your time to help enrich our current careers programme, please get in touch via the details below

Could you offer...

An Assembly: Come in and deliver a 20-minute presentation to our students about your job/business/industry

Working lunch: Join a small group of students who are interested in working in your industry. Have a Q&A session with students, talk about your role and your progression routes.

Careers talk: Join a class of students and talk about your career/industry - your journey into it and the qualifications and the experience you might need in the sphere.

Mock Interviews: Could you give up an hour or so to help us run mock interviews for students so the gain vital interview experience?

Fundraising: We are always looking for ways to raise money for the school if this is something you feel you could get involved, please get in touch.

We look forward to working with you in the future.

Contact us:

Mrs L Brown - Career Leader-

Tel: 01507 353459

Mrs H Smith- Assistant Principal

Vince Agorini - Changing Education Level 6 Careers Advisor

Eloise Vines - Careers Support


Provider Access policy

Our Provider Access Policy document is available here.

Careers & Personal Development Provision at Somercotes Academy


The Careers & PSHE provision encompasses a wide range of areas including careers education, financial literacy, mental health, relationships education, online safety, and personal development. This comprehensive approach ensures that students receive a holistic education that prepares them for the challenges and opportunities of adult life.

The overarching goals of the Careers & PSHE provision are:

  • To deliver a structured and sequenced curriculum that covers a wide range of topics including careers education, financial literacy, mental health, relationships education, and online safety.
  • To promote equality, diversity, and inclusion by addressing the needs of all students, including those from disadvantaged backgrounds and those with special educational needs or disabilities.
  • To enhance students' confidence, resilience, and communication skills to enable them to navigate the challenges of the modern world with resilience and adaptability.
  • To ensure coherence in the provision by integrating Careers & PSHE topics with the wider school curriculum and ethos.

The provision ensures coherence by aligning Careers & Personal Development topics with the overall school curriculum and ethos, creating a seamless learning experience for students. Connections are made between different subjects to reinforce learning and create a unified educational journey for all students. Visits out to external providers and visitors in to the classroom and Academy from Industry form a fundamental part of making the curriculum clear and quality assured. Networking using LMI (Local Market Information) creates a direct link to what is going on in the local area straight to the students in the classroom. The careers tool UNIFROG further enhances the provision given to students and encourages independence and self-motivation for their own career journeys. The PSHE Association informs our curriculum for Personal Development in the Academy making sure it is robust and aligns with statutory guidance whilst giving flexibility for teaching through the lens of current affairs to make sure culturally students are allowed to learn from the world around them.

The impact of the Careers & PSHE provision is evident in the positive outcomes achieved by students, both academically and personally. The provision cultivates a school culture where students are motivated, ambitious, and respectful members of the community. Key indicators of impact include:

  • Improved Attainment: Students show increased academic attainment and progress, particularly in subjects linked to their career aspirations and personal development goals.
  • Positive Destinations: A higher proportion of students' progress to positive destinations such as further education, apprenticeships, or employment, with a clearer understanding of their career pathways and future goals.
  • Enhanced Well-Being: Students demonstrate improved mental health, emotional resilience, and social skills, contributing to a positive school environment and reducing issues such as bullying and exclusion.
  • Successful Transitions: Students make successful transitions to the next stage of their education or training, equipped with the necessary skills and attitudes to thrive in new environments.

The Careers & PSHE provision is sequenced to build on students' prior knowledge and skills systematically. Topics are introduced in a logical progression, allowing students to deepen their understanding and competencies over time. This sequencing ensures that students are adequately prepared for the complexities of the content and challenges they will encounter as they move through their secondary education. Topics are chosen with are relevant to our cohorts and each year the curriculum is reviewed and amended to make sure it is the best fit for the Academy. All topics are linked with real world issues at the time to enhance the students understanding of the wider world and their place in it.


The provision maintains high standards of rigor in its delivery, ensuring that all content is accurate, up-to-date, and intellectually challenging for students of all abilities.

The implementation of the Careers & PSHE provision is founded on the following key principles and strategies:

  • Curriculum Design: The curriculum is carefully designed to meet the needs and interests of students at different stages of their secondary education. It is mapped out to ensure progression and coherence, with clear links to other subjects and real-world applications.
  • Quality Teaching: Ongoing professional development enhances subject knowledge and pedagogical skills in delivering effective Careers & Personal Development lessons. Differentiated teaching strategies are employed to cater to the diverse needs of students.
  • External Partnerships: Collaborations with local employers, colleges, universities, and community organisations are established to provide students with meaningful encounters with the world of work and further education. Guest speakers, workshops, and work experience placements are arranged to enrich the curriculum.
  • Well-Being Support: A strong pastoral care system is in place to support students' well-being and mental health. Personalised interventions, counselling services, and peer mentoring is available to ensure all students feel supported and valued through pastoral. This added value helps the curriculum link to the wider school community and student wellbeing. This is a core element of the personal development planning and topics often links in with pastoral care.
  • Assessment and Evaluation: Regular assessments and evaluations are conducted to monitor students' progress in key areas such as career readiness, financial literacy, and social skills. Feedback is used to adjust teaching approaches and intervention strategies. This is delivered through end of topic understanding and assessments within the work books to show progress following the initial assessment at the start of the topic to show progress and inform teaching.

Ongoing staff training and support is provided by the Careers Leader and Greater Lincolnshire LEP, to ensure that staff have access to relevant information and are able to access careers related training. To prepare learners for their future study, training or work opportunities, we offer a varied curriculum scheme of work to allow learners to develop the skills and knowledge needed to have a successful future career.

The Careers Plan details the activities that will take place throughout the academic year. This document provides an outline overview of the core activities that are scheduled. Additional activities will be made available to learners throughout the year. Support through the Greater Lincolnshire LEP and its Enterprise Advisors will also help support the programme as well as the support of external stakeholders and agencies to compliment the curriculum and enhance the offering for learners.

The Careers Advisor is available for personnel guidance through careers leader and personal need and request.

In addition to the eight Gatsby Benchmarks, our 2024-2025 careers programme is linked to the new CDI (Careers & Development Institute) Framework. The CDI's Career Development Framework describes the six career development skills that people need to have positive careers. Both are cross-referenced below.

CDI Career Development Framework and the Gatsby Benchmarks

Our 2024-2025 careers programme is also delivered through the PSHE framework. Which enables careers to have a dedicated and timetabled provision across Key Stages 3 & 4.

Impact: Somercotes Academy measures and evaluates the impact of its careers programme through student surveys, destination data, and the COMPASS+ tool each term to reflect on progress towards the Gatsby benchmarks.

We provide parents the opportunity to feedback on the programme and obtain employer feedback after all employer engagement activities. We work closely with our LEP Team | Greater Lincolnshire LEP adviser to assess our careers programme against other schools & colleges in the region.

The impact of the successful implementation of the careers programme will be:

  • Learners become more aware of the choices available to them, and are prepared for the working world.
  • Careers learning will become increasingly embedded within the curriculum
  • Continued improvement/maintenance in the destinations of leavers, demonstrated through the collection of intended and actual destinations of learners when they complete their courses and progress to positive destinations
  • Ongoing evaluation of the impact of the careers programme will be undertaken, considering feedback from all stakeholders.

This information will be continuously reviewed and any changes, updates or adjustments that are deemed necessary will be made to ensure the successful implementation of the progressive programme.


  • Link Governor responsible for ensuring careers guidance is given in an unbiased manner, showing no preference towards a specific institution, education, or work option.
  • Senior Leadership Team responsible for the review of the career and education guidance strategy, yearly destination measures, and the yearly career plan.
  • Link SLT Careers Line Manager responsible and accountable for the delivery of the school's programme of career advice and guidance.
  • Careers Leader responsible for organising career talks, assemblies, organising college applications and references and ensuring tracking of career activities undertaken by students. Responsible for providing independent information, advice, and guidance to pupils one-to-one and in groups.
  • Careers Enterprise Adviser is a volunteer from a business who will work with the Careers Leader to drive improvements in the school's careers provision.
  • Greater Lincolnshire LEP Coordinator responsible for providing the Academy with expertise and support for their careers provision.
  • Heads of Departments / Subject leaders are responsible for incorporating career learning within their curriculum linked to real-world career paths.
  • Subject Teachers are responsible for linking curriculum learning with careers.

We are keen to showcase the broad and diverse range of career opportunities our students experience across the curriculum via our Facebook Somercotes Academy - Home | Facebook and Somercotes Academy Newsletter.

For any further information or questions regarding the above, see contact details below:

Mrs H Smith
Assistant Principal - Line Manager Careers
Tel: 01507 353459

Mrs L Brown
Careers Leader
Tel: 01507 353459

Local Market Information/Parent Support

Are you wondering what jobs are available in your area and how the world of work is changing, Local Market Information can help, it can tell you a variety of things including the number of job vacancies in each job area. The type of vacancies - if they are part-time, full-time, temporary, seasonal, or permanent. General trends in the world of work - such as which types of business are doing well or not so well.

Please click on the links below to view Labour Market information for the local area.

Labour market information (LMI) is information about the current economic and employment situation, it is relevant whilst looking at various career and employment options. It includes data on graduate destinations, average-starting salaries, current trends in employment sectors and recruitment patterns, therefore, is a good place to start when looking at future options for college and beyond. The Greater Lincolnshire LEP provides information about this, helping you feel inspired and informed about careers in your local area. They also manage the World of Work website, which contains lots of information about careers, apprenticeships and priority sectors in Lincolnshire.

HOME | MYPATH Careers (

Home | Greater Lincolnshire LEP

The World of Work

Local Market Information for All

Labour Market Information (LMI) / Parents support -LMI PARENT A parents' toolkit for career conversations (

Destination Data

  Number Percentage
Number of pupils 72  
Pupils staying in education for at least two terms after key stage 4 62 86%
Further education college or other further education provider 46 64%
School sixth form — state funded 4 6%
Sixth-form college — state funded 12 17%
Other education destinations 0 0%
Pupils staying in apprenticeships for at least six months 4 6%
Pupils in education or apprenticeships which were not sustained for two terms 5 7%
Pupils not captured in educaton or apprenticeships (destination unknown or in employment) 1 1%

What websites could students visit to support the curriculum?

The following websites are useful;


Human Rights:

Animal Rights & Welfare:

Miscellaneous: - homelessness. - racism. - for clips that support and extend the topics studied. - for up-to-date news.

Subject related career links:

Art and Design
Business Studies
Computer Science
Media Studies
Modern Foreign Languages (MFL)
Performing Arts
Technology (Design and Technology)
Parents' guides


Guide to T-Levels


Human Rights:

Animal Rights & Welfare:

Miscellaneous: - homelessness. - racism. - for clips that support and extend the topics studied. - for up to date news. - a website dedicated to preventing child exploitation online from the Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP) centre. - this supports the topic of Drug Awareness which Year 9 study.

How We Evaluate

Review date for policy and careers programme July 2024

We evaluate the careers programme and the policy with the following:-

  • Future Skills Questionnaire
  • Faculty Meeting
  • Compass Plus
  • Employer feedback
  • Student feedback
  • Parent feedback

Where Does This Take Me in The Future?

The study of Careers & Personal Development provides students with the knowledge, ability and confidence to leave the establishment as rounded young citizens of the local and wider community.

All topics covered provide a good progression route to more advanced qualifications, and courses at FE colleges and higher education.

Virtual Tour University of Lincoln
York University Website
Hull University Website