To maintain quality, standards and value for money, Academy blazers and ties are only available from Uniform Direct.
An acceptable outdoor coat and scarf/hat/gloves may be worn as prevailing weather demands (no extreme logos). We recommend that students wear a reflective band in the winter months.
Students can continue to wear lower school uniform but once they move into Upper School when a new blazer is required they must purchase an Upper School blazer and tie.
Girls - Compulsory
- Black blazer with Academy logo and blue lining.
- Black smart tailored trousers (NOT tightly fitted to the leg or cropped to the ankle).
- Plain white shirt with Academy tie (blue) with top button fastened.
- Plain black (no badge) fine-knit v-neck jumper (optional but must be worn under blazer).
- Plain white or black socks.
- Black, flat shoes (maximum heel height 6cm at the back). Please note that trainers, trainer style shoes, canvas shoes or boots are NOT acceptable.
Boys - Compulsory
- Black blazer with Academy logo and blue lining.
- Black trousers (NOT tightly fitted to the leg or cropped to the ankle).
- White traditional shirt with top button fastened.
- Academy tie (blue).
- Plain black (no badge) fine-knit v-neck jumper (optional but must be worn under blazer).
- Plain white or black socks.
- Black, flat shoes. Please note that trainers, trainer style shoes, canvas shoes or boots are NOT acceptable.
The following are NOT allowed at all in an academy:
- Coats with offensive logos/badges.
- Denim or leather/leather look or knitted coats/jackets.
- Coloured T-shirts or bras or T-shirts with logos under an Academy shirt (if a T-shirt is worn under a shirt it must be plain).
- Sweatshirts/jumpers which are not Academy uniform.
- Sweatshirts/hoodies/zipped jumpers/cardigans/clothing made of sweatshirt material (with or without hoods), are not considered as coats and may not be worn.
- 'Sports' type jackets/coats.
- Jeans or jeans-type trousers.
- Boots of any kind, sandals, canvas shoes, trainers (except for P.E.), trainer shoes.
- Nail varnish, gel nails, false nails, tattoos, temporary tattoos or make-up (discreet make-up is allowed in Year 11).
- Jewellery (except for wristwatches). Earrings - only one small stud per ear, watches – all jewellery must be removed for P.E. activities).
- Nose/eyebrow/tongue or any other form of body piercing.
- Hairstyles which are extreme (NO vivid or two-tone hair colours, NO cuts shorter than a number 1 razor setting, NO patterns cut into hair, NO beaded braids or braids with cotton/material weaves, NO extensions which do not match natural hair colour.
- Any hairstyles that have a change in hair length must be blended. Hairstyles must be graduated with no 'stepped' patterns or lines.
- Mohican hairstyles are not acceptable. This includes stepped haircuts similar to the different styles of Mohican haircuts.
- Beards or moustaches, or sideburns below the earlobes.
- Large belt buckles or studded/patterned belts (only plain black belts permitted).
- 'Smart' watches.
Please feel able to contact the Academy BEFORE purchasing any items of uniform if you have any doubts about whether it is acceptable as Academy dress.