Volunteers are being sought to join our successful academy’s local governing body.
Lincolnshire Gateway Academies Trust, which runs the school, is hoping to appoint governors from the community.
Principal Jake Bailey said: “It would be terrific to have some new faces on the governing body.
“It is one of those positions that will allow you to do as much as you wish.
“There are usually once termly meetings over a year. But governors can also come into school and take a more active role in supporting our staff team.”
He was proud to lead a small, rural secondary school with 436 students on roll.
“We are a successful and high-achieving academy that has an excellent reputation in the local area,” said Mr Bailey.
“Lincolnshire Gateway Academies Trust has supported the Academy in delivering state of the art facilities and an outstanding learning environment for our students and staff.”
The Trust, headquartered in nearby Louth, is responsible for eight schools across northern Lincolnshire, including four more secondaries.
Those applying for the governor roles must subscribe to its broad ethos:
The local governing body is primarily responsible for the quality of education, student outcomes, and ensuring the Academy is part of the local community.
A Governor should have an understanding of confidentiality, data protection and GDPR.
All appointments will be made by the Trust Board and subject to normal statutory checks including an enhanced DBS.
To apply for one of the positions above please scan the QR code and complete the form.
Alternatively, if you wish to obtain a paper copy or have any queries please contact Kirstine Revell, Governance Professional, on 01507 353452 or by email: revellk@lincolnshiregateway.co.uk.
Please also see our Governor Handbook with information for prospective governors: www.lincolnshiregateway.co.uk/media/files/governor-handbook.pdf
Full detail as to how the Trust operates is set out on our website: www.lincolnshiregateway.co.uk